We supply complete assortment of high quality steel materials comming from production of leading European and world manufactures. Our extensive experience and detailed knowledge of steel supplies possibilities in this region give you the edge in your business. We accompany our customers and provide them with technical support in all stages of their projects.
Our OfferAfter many years spent in the field of steel materials distribution and machinery production we not only understand the needs of our customers but are also able to provide you with individual supply solutions fully respecting your specific needs.
In order to keep high quality standards of our materials and services we maintain frequent contacts and communication with our suppliers. Precise labeling and possibility to track back material origin is for us a matter of course.
We seek individual solutions fully respecting your needs and supporting processes implemented in your production.
We pay attention to changing environment and promote innovation. We are adding new products and services in order to keep up to date with the latest improvements and developments.